Iowa DNC delegation focused, looking ahead

Iowa DNC delegation focused, looking ahead

Gazette Column
PHILADELPHIA — There’s a good chance you’ve already heard about the dust-up surrounding the 2016 Democratic National Convention. Members of the Iowa Delegation are tuned in, curious and concerned about how the resignation of U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz as DNC chairwoman and the email controversy behind it will impact the convention and upcoming general election. Many are dreading more distracting spectacles, such as the rowdy scene Monday morning when Wasserman Schultz addressed members of the Florida delegation only to have the breakfast meeting overrun with protesters. Few in Philadelphia believe Wasserman Schultz acted in good faith, some believe she worked purposefully to diminish U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential aspirations. No one I’ve spoken with believes she should continue to lead the DNC. But behind the cable news buzz and…
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Time for Iowa Democrats to clean house

Time for Iowa Democrats to clean house

Gazette Column
Nearly two years ago Iowa Republicans made changes to protect the first-in-the-nation caucuses. Iowa Democrats must now do the same. Republican corrections were a public and painful affair. Following 2012 caucus tally mishaps, members of the “liberty movement” staged and executed a plan that had 22 of Iowa’s 28 national delegates supporting Ron Paul as the GOP nominee. Paul supporters also took key state roles, claiming seven of 18 seats on the Republican State Central Committee, under the leadership of movement member A.J. Spiker. Infighting began. Some potential presidential candidates were wary of the party’s ability to provide a level playing field. Within two years Spiker and his allies were removed. The party rebuilt trust and pulled the caucuses back from the brink of political irrelevance. Let’s hope, four years…
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