Voter ID still bad for the masses

Voter ID still bad for the masses

Gazette Column
Some folks didn’t take kindly to my calling voter ID laws a scam in last Sunday’s column. So, in their honor, this week I’d like to add a few more words. Let’s start with “racket” and “fraud.” The necessity of early deadlines for physically printed content, and the 24-hour news cycle combined with Internet availability, often means that a Sunday column, written Thursday or Friday, will not contain information from the days in between. This was the case for my column last week, when I discussed a GAO report on the stifling impacts of voter ID laws. After the column was completed, a federal decision was made on Wisconsin’s voter ID laws. The U.S. Supreme Court ruling was especially interesting because its earlier dissent was written by 7th Circuit Judge Richard Posner, a Ronald Reagan…
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We need to vote no on voter ID

We need to vote no on voter ID

Gazette Column
Congressional study: laws reduced youth, black turnout It’s safe to say it now. Voter ID is a scam. That’s not exactly how the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office put it in their new hefty Voter ID report, but their comparison of registered voter turnout in six states leaves no further wiggle room. GAO researchers crunched 2008 and 2012 election data in six states, including two (Kansas and Tennessee) that had passed voter ID laws. The data showed what so many have warned would be the net result of these laws. [caption id="attachment_1641" align="alignleft" width="525"] As of June 2014, a total of 33 states have enacted some form of voter ID laws. Iowa is not one of them. (Source: GAO analysis of state statutes)[/caption] “GAO’s analysis suggests that the turnout decreases in Kansas…
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