In Philly ‘the Bern’ rubs raw

In Philly ‘the Bern’ rubs raw

Featured, Gazette Column
PHILADELPHIA — Democracy can’t help but be noisy and messy. Monday night it took a nose-dive into ugly. There has been no escape from supporters of Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign for those attending the Democratic National Convention. Delegates came to cast their vote for their chosen candidate, regardless of projections for the final count. Others are here to march and demonstrate, and have repeatedly owned the streets. Most of all, they’ve come to be heard, and media voices like my own have amplified their messages of frustration, and calls for income equity. [caption id="attachment_476" align="alignright" width="300"] Supporters of Bernie Sanders gathered near Philadelphia City Hall during the Democratic National Convention. (Lynda Waddington/The Gazette)[/caption] A somewhat disjointed, massive march was held Sunday. It began with a banner demanding an end to…
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